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Feeling Stuck and Ready for a Change?

Are you struggling with anxiety, battling worry, or tired of pretending you're "fine"? Do you feel that your healing requires more than just talking through issues, but also addressing deeper emotional and physical layers? Have you experienced a significant loss and would benefit from professional grief support? Does unresolved trauma have you feeling stuck and not knowing how to move forward? Maybe you're tired of finding yourself in the same unhealthy relationship patterns.

If any of this resonates with you, you’re in the right place. While taking the first step toward healing may feel overwhelming, it opens the door to meaningful, lasting change.


I take a thoughtful, results-oriented approach to helping clients recover from:

  • ptsd and complex trauma

  • codependency, people-pleasing, and self-abandonment

  • toxic relationships, narcissistic abuse, and family dysfunction

  • complicated grief

  • major life transitions

  • medical diagnosis, chronic pain, and other physical ailments

  • sexual violation

  • anxiety, depression, and so much more

My practice is dedicated to helping you uncover the root causes of your challenges, so you can regain your sense of grounding, balance, and control. Our work won’t stop at simply understanding your struggles; we’ll use compassion-focused, research-backed methods to help you shift those experiences, with you steering the course at your own pace.


Currently working with clients via telehealth

More people are turning to telehealth for mental health care, and for good reason. With busy schedules full of work, school, and family, self-care often gets last place in line. Yet that's when therapy can become even more essential. Having worked with clients remotely for years, I've seen firsthand the deep, transformative healing that can happen in virtual sessions—whether it's treating anxiety, healing from trauma, or navigating life’s everyday challenges.


Specializing in Anxiety, Relationships, 
and Trauma Recovery

Individual Therapy

Embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery, where greater self-awareness inspires personal growth. You'll learn to manage intense emotions, stay calm under pressure, and communicate confidently. By setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care, you’ll avoid overwhelm and resentment, creating a life of authentic choices, personal power, and genuine freedom.

Relationship Repair

Growing up, you learned lessons about love—and the absence of it. Those experiences shape how you navigate relationships today—how you communicate, trust, and handle vulnerability. This work uncovers where past wounds are blocking deeper connections, so you can build more fulfilling, drama-free relationships with friends, coworkers, family, and romantic partners.

Anxiety and Panic

Are you tired of sleepless nights filled with racing thoughts and gripping fear? I provide you with a wealth of tools designed to quiet your worries, end negative self-talk, and empower you to take charge of your anxious thoughts. As you begin to feel secure and grounded in your body, you’ll also cultivate emotional stability and resilience, equipping you to face life on life's terms.

Faith-Based Counseling

Faith-based therapy recognizes the deep connection between your faith and well-being, allowing you to tap into spiritual resources for strength and guidance. Through this approach, you explore how your beliefs and values shape your experiences, helping you find meaning and purpose in your challenges. With your faith as a compass for healing, you’re able to approach life with resilience, hope, and joy.

Childhood Trauma

You gain a deeply  personal understanding of what trauma is and discover the connected dots between your original wounds and the lasting impact they've had on your life today. You receive expert support as you begin to heal at your own pace. I help you stay grounded and secure as you release old hurts, limiting beliefs, and stuck emotions- setting you free from old survival strategies that no longer serve your life today. 

Teens & Young Adults

I help young people navigate anxiety-inducing pressures, such as overfunctioning and feeling overwhelmed by expectations. We work on crucial life skills like identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, mitigating social anxiety and codependency traps, building emotional intelligence, and uncover how social media, hustle culture, and other modern challenges can erode self-esteem.

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